Dénis Lindbohm

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(July 11, 1927 – October 24, 2005)

Ernst Rune Denis Lindbohm began reading sf in the Swedish proto-prozine Jules Verne-magasinet, published weekly 1940–1947, and in fact managed to get a short story published in the magazine in 1945, though was not paid for it since the magazine published it as a "reader contribution". By that time he took employment in a large photo shop and laboratory in Malmoe, and by the end of the decade became active in a local social club, which he inside of a couple of years turned into an sf club; this meant losing most earlier members but on the other hand from 1952 being the club's undisputed head and initiating such activities as producing amateur movies (resulting in at least one finished 30-minute film, the first such in Swedish fandom; for many years, showing it at Swedish sf conventions was a ritualistic event). When the first overt Swedish sf magazine Häpna! started in 1954, new members were attracted and the club quickly issued the first number of its fanzine, Clloev, the second known fanzine issue to be published in Sweden. Clloev quickly became a vehicle for Lindbohm rather than for the club, and was generally regarded as Swedish fandom's most idiosyncratic and also most humorous fanzine; its last issue was #40, published in 1985 after a ten-year hiatus.

Lindbohm was a prolific writer; he published dozens of sf stories both professionally in Häpna! and later in many fanzines. From the early 1970s, when he finally had an sf novel published professionally, he went on to write a further 25 sf novels, while also publishing prolifically within his (by many fellow fans strongly disdained) parapsychological field of interest.

(Entry in The Encyclopedia of SF: https://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/lindbohm_denis)