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V-Con, later VCON is a convention held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from 1971 and since 1993 has been run by the West Coast Science Fiction Association. (The previous ten year's VCONs were run by the Western Canadian Science Fiction Convention Committee Association.) Early V-Cons were called the Vancouver SF Convention.

Convention Dates GoHs
V-Con 1 April 9-10, 1971 Ursula K. LeGuin
V-Con 2 February 18-19, 1972 Philip K. Dick
V-Con III February 22-24, 1974 Frank Herbert
V-Con 4 February 21-23, 1975 Robert Silverberg
V-Con 5 May 21-23, 1976 Larry Niven, Terry Carr
No V-Con held in 1977: Westercon 38 was held in Vancouver
V-Con VI May 26-28, 1978 A. E. van Vogt, Susan Wood
V-Con 7 May 25-27, 1979 Jack Vance
V-Con 8 May 23-25, 1980 Roger Zelazny, John Byrne, George Metzger
V-Con 9 May 22-24, 1981 Vonda McIntyre, Jon Gustafson
V-Con 10 May 21-23, 1982 Ben Bova, Robert Runte
VCON 11 May 20-22, 1983 Frank Herbert, Bill Warren, Elizabeth Warren
VCON 12 May 25-27, 1984 Samuel R. Delany, Debbie Notkin
VCON 13 May 24-26, 1985 Robert Bloch, John D. Berry
VCON 14 May 23-25, 1986 Fred Pohl, Eileen Kernaghan, Katherine Howes, Beth Finkbiner, Mike Finkbiner
VCON 15 May 22-24 1987 Sam Moskowitz, Alex Schomburg, Forrest J Ackerman
VCON 16 May 27-29, 1988 Hal Clement, John Cramer
VCON 17 May 26-28, 1989 Spider Robinson, Jeanne Robinson, Robert Sheckley, Donna Barr
VCON 18 May 25-27, 1990 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Dave Duncan, Roger Raupp
VCON 18.5 February 15-17, 1991 Eileen Kernaghan, Constantine Hiebner
VCON 19 (aka Westercon 44) July 4-7, 1991 William Gibson, C. J. Cherryh, Jerry Kaufman, Suzanne Tompkins, Steve Jackson, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Warren Oddsson, Verna Trestrail
VCON 19.5 May 22-24, 1992 Don H. DeBrandt
VCON 20 May 28-30, 1993 Charles de Lint, Rob Alexander
VCON hiatus
VCON 21 May 17-19, 1996 Kim Stanley Robinson, William Gibson
VCON 22 May 25-27, 1997 Steven Brust
VCON 23 May 15-17, 1998 David Gerrold, Mike Jackson
VCON 24 May 21-23, 1999 A. C. Crispin, Michael Capobianco, Betty Bigelow
VCON 25 May 26-28, 2000 Robert Sawyer, Lloyd Penney, Yvonne Penney, Shane Desjardins
VCON 26 May 4-6, 2001 Lynn Abbey, James Ernest, Betty Bigelow, David Bigelow, George Dyson, Candas Jane Dorsey, Al Betz
VCON 27 October 11-13, 2002 James P. Blaylock, Tim Powers, Brom
VCON 28 October 10-12, 2003 Nalo Hopkinson, Esther Friesner, Jordin Kare, Adrian Kleinbergen
VCON 29 October 8-10, 2004 Dave Duncan, Todd Lockwood, Dr. Jaymie Matthews, Lisa Smedman
VCON 30 October 7-9, 2005 Robert Silverberg, Todd Lockwood
VCON 31 October 6-8, 2006 Barbara Hambly, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, Randy McCharles
VCON 32 October 19-21, 2007 Peter S. Beagle, Michelle Dockrey, Tony Fabris, Matt Hughes, Lisa Smedman, Martin Springett
VCON 33 October 3-5, 2008 Patrick Rothfuss, Lisa Snellings, Kelley Armstrong, James Ernest, Dr. Jaymie Matthews
VCON 34 October 2-4, 2009 Aaron Hendricks, Don Marshall, Peter Robinson, Ryan Schmer, Myles Teves, Christine Willes, Matt Yang King, Lar DeSouza
VCON 35 October 1–3, 2010 Cherie Priest, James Beveridge, Heather Dale
VCON 36 September 30 - October 2, 2011 Larry Niven, Jean-Pierre Normand, Lisa Lassek
VCON 37 September 28-30, 2012 James Ng, Gregory Benford, Connie Willis
VCON 38 October 4-6, 2013 Dan Wells, John Kovalic, Mur Lafferty, Thyrza Segal
VCON 39 October 3-5, 2014 David Weber, David Mattingly, Bruce Heard
VCON 40 October 2-4, 2015 Joe Haldeman, Ed Greenwood, Rick Sternbach, Eric Choi, Steve Forty
VCON 41 September 30 - October 2, 2016 Robert Sawyer, Karl Johanson, Stephanie Johanson, Jamie Anderson, Eric Chu, Stan Hyde
VCON Relaxicon 41½ October 28-29, 2017 Nancie Green, R. Graeme Cameron, Kristi Charish
VCON 42 / Canvention 38 October 5-7, 2018 Charles Stross, Ashley Mackenzie Amal El-Mohtar
VCON 43 Cancelled in 2019 due to organizational difficulties; hopes to return in 2021
VCON 2021 October 14-17, 2021 (virtual) Mur Lafferty, Ursula Vernon
VCON 2022 October 14-16, 2022

Website 1971
This is a convention page. Please extend it by adding information about the convention, including dates, GoHs, convention chairman, locale, sponsoring organization, external links to convention pages, awards given, the program, notable events, anecdotes, pictures, scans of publications, pictures of T-shirts, con reports, etc.