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Converting to {{link}} template[edit]

If you need to convert a number of [<url> <title>] links to use the {{link}} template, you might find the following regexes helpful: \[(\S+)([^\]]*)\] ⇒ {{link | website=\1|text=\2}} — Flash Sheridan (talk) 13:16, 29 March 2020 (PDT)

Boldfacing full names?[edit]

The standards say "boldface names used in fandom" (and thanks for the reminder, Leah!); it occurs to me that I've also been boldfacing full names, as in Eleanor Eva “Ellie” Turner and Israel Ken Krenzel. What would be the best way to style those names—boldfaced as they currently are, or something else?

  1. Eleanor Eva “Ellie” Turner (née Joiner, later Thompson)
  2. Eleanor Eva “Ellie” Turner (née Joiner, later Thompson)
  3. Ellie Turner (née Eleanor Eva Joiner, later Thompson)

For people whose surnames didn't change, it also seems odd to use ‘né(e)’, so there's another option here:

  1. Israel Ken Krenzel
  2. Israel Ken Krenzel
  3. Israel Krenzel (né Israel Ken Krenzel)
  4. Israel Krenzel (Israel Ken Krenzel)

And I suppose when we write about nonbinary fans who changed their surname, we'd say ‘born’ instead of ‘né(e)’, ne?

Bee Ostrowsky (talk) 08:14, 6 May 2023 (PDT)