LA in 2026

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A bid to make the 84th Worldcon in 2026 the seventh in Los Angeles (and 13th in California). It was announced by SCIFI at Smofcon in 2020 and started actively bidding at Pemmi-con in 2023.

The announced bidcom is: Joyce Lloyd (chair) and Bobbi Armbruster, Sherri Benoun, Bert Boden, Steve Cooper, Genny Dazzo, Bruce Farr, Lea Farr, Sara Felix, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, Shaun Lyon, Karen May, Christian B. McGuire, Helen Montgomery, Elayne Pelz, Jerome Scott, Randy Shepherd, and Ben Yalow.

Its motto seems to be “Don’t just inhabit the world, EXPLORE the universe” or maybe “Dare to discover. Dare to explore. Dare to be uncharted.”


2026 Site Selection 2023
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.